golden labyrinth

The Liberation Constellation

There’s a part of me that doesn’t just want to apply another “bandaid solution” to the problem we are facing as a human tribe. 

Many are suffering from some level of disconnection… loneliness, mental slavery, victim mentality, addiction. I’m interested in facing these shadows ourselves and building the new world from the strength and resilience that we, together, bring into the light, as sacred tools to build the earth we wish to thrive on for eons to come. 

This land is the new cradle of civilization, evolved from the heart and not from the head.

Involved with Spirit and not greed. 

Seeded with honor, integrity and respect for all beings and ourselves. 

Any person who contributes their time, energy and attention to the growth of our precious village is family. 

The homeland is not found. It is built by the many hands of care and compassion. 

It is built with delayed gratification and the ever-burning faith in our natural capabilities as the true stewards of this earth. 

This mission, bestowed upon us, has been written in the akashic records and is simply playing out in its divine orchestration. 

With no effort. No time. 

The Phoenix frequency can be felt. 

This journey is a formless unfolding of what is meant to be: 

the reformation of the LIBERATION CONSTELLATION. 

Shining our lights in the darkness for all to see, 

Burning brightly with courage with the resilience of ten thousand suns, 

Together WE ARE the eternal flame of freedom. 

Together we outshine the darkness.

꩜ Claire ꩜

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